Thursday, October 6, 2016

Picnic at Nathalie Gaglardi's (Aug. 27, '16)

We were welcomed into Nathalie's home on a gorgeous warm night for the first of our annual parties. We were approximately forty alumni partying in a beautiful home, garden and patio. We had the bar-B-Q on and a nice fire pit kept us warm and cozy as the night cooled. 

Some comments from attendees:
  • Phil Aldrich: "As always, it was so rewarding to catch up with those that could make it to Nathalie’s lovely and spacious abode.  I don’t think we would ever run out of things to chat about and gossip about!   Organizing the affair was such a great excuse to work together again.  Thanks to everyone that helped out."
  • Frank Dorchester: "A fine summer evening with music and a fire, and thanks to Natalie for providing us with such a unique and beautiful garden setting.
  • Chris Loranger: "Next time, lets skip the strippers and the Cirque du Soleil troupe."
Susan (Penney) Eggleton and Barb Giraud get into the spirit in the afternoon.
(L-R) Diane (Poole) Lauga, Cathy MacDonald, Chris Tyrell Loranger,
Fraser MacDonald and Hugh Madden.
Louise (Clausen) Bryant, Dick Humphries & half of Elizabeth Simpson.
Richard Campbell, Brian Keating and Frank Dorchester.
Barb Giraud and our hostess, Nathalie Gaglardi.
Diane (Poole) Lauga and Chris Tyrell Loranger
Fraser MacDonald and Brian Keating.
Fabulous music was courtesy Bill Gibson.
Chris (again, sorry) Don Morel and Sue (Beer) Astley.
Frank (again), Phil Aldrich, Jacquie Halliburton, Diane and Dick (again).
The cozy atmosphere of the evening was created by the fire pit.
Sue (Beer) Astley, Fraser and Cathy again.
Yes! We danced.
A great shot of Fraser and Cathy.
Sue (Beer) Astley, Lorene McDonald, Barb (Coles) O'Hagan.
Brian Keating, Sue (Penney) and Wally Eggleton.
Nathalie (Beck) Gaglardi (our host) and Gail (Mrs. George) Costello.

Collin Millar
Judith Clark and Mike Smalley